Half way through 2024... how's it going?

How to redirect if things aren't going like you'd hoped

Hola family and friends,

Can you believe it?!?! We’re already halfway through 2024!  

On a scale of 1-10, how are your 2024 goals coming along?

Entrepreneurs around this time fall into a couple categories…

  1. I am on top of it! Crushing my goals and ready for more! :-)

  2. OMG… this year is flying by. I’m not even close to where I hoped I would be. :-(

However it’s going, it’s always smart to checkin with yourself midway.

Here is a quick 4-step process I use with my clients to get refocused:

1. Review:
Assess your progress so far. Identify what’s working and what isn’t.

2. Reflect:
Understand why you’re getting the results you are. Consider both successes and setbacks.

3. Recalibrate:
Adjust your strategies and goals based on your reflections. Make necessary changes.

4. Recommit:
Renew your commitment to your revised plan. Stay focused and motivated for the rest of the year.

Use these steps to keep moving forward and finish the year strong!

The best thing to keep in mind when we’re struggling is that we’re not alone.

We ALL have our struggles… I sure do.

It’s important to keep moving forward no matter what.

We can take little breaks here and there, but don’t stop.

1% each day adds up BIG!

Somedays we can conquer the world, and somedays we can just engage with a few posts on Linkedin or read one page of a book.

ALL of those matter.

So, now that we’ve established where we are, I wanted to share a couple tools I’ve found helpful this summer so far:

  1. Read the book Deep Work by Cal Newport - It’s been helping me get laser focused without distractions.

  2. I’ve been listening to a podcast called The Drive with Dr. Peter Attia

    It’s been helping me unpack some of my own past trauma and reveal some of my harmful behaviors… and he has some other life/health tips that are really valuable

  3. I’ve been averaging walking 25,000 steps per day this last month. It has been a ton of reflection and I’ve been coming up with some amazing ideas and next steps to take in my life and business. Wherever you are on your fitness journey, get outside and walk a little more… your body and brain will thank you.

Remember, you’ve got this!

Dennis Berry
CEO, Epic Entrepreneur Media

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are a few ways I can help:

If you’re struggling to hit your goals this year, there are a few ways I can help:

1. Epic Biz Launch Blueprint™ to Launch OR Repair your entire business in ONE WEEK! (HERE)

2. Join our Epic Entrepreneurs SKOOL community (HERE)

3. 1-1 Business Coaching to (finally) monetize your business (HERE)