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Everything Has A Cost
Read time: 3 minutes

We ALL want things! MOST of us want to be successful, we want friendship and love in our lives, want to be healthy and comfortable, but not everybody is willing to pay the price for our wants and desires.
EVERYTHING we do or want in life comes with a cost…
And that cost is NOT always money.
The four basic currencies I think we use are:
▪️ Time
▪️ Ability
▪️ Money
▪️ Energy
Another one that was brought to my attention recently was relationships, and I really love that one too. Sometimes we leverage our relationship(s) to get what we want or need. In that respect, it is definitely a currency.

In 2005, I had 3 failing businesses and a mortgage I couldn’t afford… mostly because I didn’t really know how to run a business at the time.
So I started to learn about commodities like precious metals and also coins.
I used every single one of these currencies to build my business from -$50,000 in debt to $3Million/year in revenue in just one year.
How did I do it?
Well, I spent my TIME reading and learning all I could about rare coins and precious metals. I read books, watched videos, went to coin stores and talked with the owners. I joined internet coin groups and went to coin shows all over the US.
I also had to use my TIME to learn how to build websites, landing pages and ecommerce templates to sell these coins… many of them on eBay.
I spent a lot of TIME doing customer service, talking with customers, shipping over 100 packages/day, purchasing coins and precious metals, and talking with other coin dealers on the phone.
One of the reasons I was able to do this is because I have the gift of gab. I have an ABILITY to communicate well with people. And, I LOVE working, so my natural ABILITY to talk and work helped me stay focused and centered throughout the building process.
I was constantly communicating with different people… pretty much everyday.
Another ABILITY I have is negotiation. I LOVE negotiating and finding ways to solve problems and find solutions. I had to leverage that ABILITY daily.
I also have a high level of ENERGY. This, combined with lots of black tea/caffeine, helped me to keep moving throughout the day… sometimes 16 hours/day. I also exercised every single morning, ate well, and stayed hydrated, which helped me stay on track as well.
BUT… at the end of each day, I definitely spent all of that ENERGY.
And, you can’t sell products without having an inventory, so I had to leverage my RELATIONSHIP with my brother who lent me some MONEY… namely $20,000, so I could buy an inventory.

It would have been really difficult to build my base without leveraging that RELATIONSHIP and that MONEY to get going.
After a year, I had well over 6 figures in the bank and was profiting over $30,000 per month, but had to continue to invest in the business with ALL of those currencies…
Time, Ability, Money, Energy and Relationships.
I became very efficient with my time, but then had new challenges along the way that took new energy and effort to manage.
I had to continue to expand on my abilities to continue to grow.
And, I built new relationships in the coin community that helped me stay relevant and profitable.
We are CONSTANTLY spending our “currencies” if we are growing. We never reach a point where nothing comes without a cost… nothing worthwhile anyway.
The more we want, the more we pay the price.
“There is no such thing as free lunch” is the popular saying.
Over the years, my other businesses have had massive success and also some struggles, but I found that when when I am at the top of the game is when I am investing my “currencies” well.
When I sit around hoping to get something for nothing… I end up with nothing and wonder why.
Well, it is because I am not investing my currencies well.
When people talk about work/life balance, I don’t really agree with that. We pay for what we want with these currencies, and I certainly paid the price.
There were times in my life when I paid with health problems, when I paid with relationship problems and financial problems.
But at the end of the day, I am a happy and successful person because happiness and success comes from overcoming the struggles we face, not because everything is perfect all the time.
If you’re struggling with your “currencies,” or you’re just not where you want to be and are ready take your life and business to the next level, there are a few ways I can help you.
1. FREE Linkedin Masterclass (HERE)
2. Heart of Wealth Mastermind Group (HERE)
3. Life Mastery School by Dennis Berry (HERE)
4. Solopreneur Operating System Digital Course (HERE)
5. Work with me one on one to build/scale your business (HERE)
I have been a Life Mastery and Business Development Coach for 18 years and sober since April 8 2003 when I became a successful business man, family man and athlete.
If you’d like to learn more, please reach out.
Have a beautiful day!🧡