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Overcoming Obstacles
Your path to success and inner peace
Read time: 2 minutes

As Ryan Holiday says, “The Obstacle is the Way.”
The only thing we can be sure of in this life is that we are going to fail, make mistakes and encounter MANY obstacles on our path to success and inner peace. It is our response to these challenges that will ultimately determine our success, OR lack of success.
What I’ve come to realize is that these obstacles are not put in our path to destroy us, but rather to teach us, prepare us and grow us.
So many people spend their time trying to avoid problems, pain, and obstacles, but true happiness and inner peace comes from overcoming these obstacles, NOT by avoiding them.
The best way to deal with obstacles is head on. We use it as a path to success, not as a deterrent from success.
But, our instincts tell us otherwise. Natural human behavior, especially nowadays, is to distract ourselves from the pain, avoid it, or find a shortcut around it. As you might guess, these do not get us where we want to go.

Here are some healthy ways to deal with our obstacles:
1. Admit there is an obstacle. Many people aren’t honest with themselves and won’t even admit there is a problem.
2. Try to understand why it is there. This is a game changer because there is always a way to use it as a positive.
3. Create a plan of action to move through it. Break it into manageable steps and get to work.
4. ASK FOR HELP. If we don’t know how to get through it… ask for help! Having a coach or mentor will help us get there quicker, instead of banging our head against the wall for another year trying to figure it out.
5. Get to work. Nothing will ensure progress through our obstacles more than taking action. We can think about it for another year, but unless we take action, we’ll continue to be stuck.
Summary… Identify your obstacles, make a plan and take action.
If you’re struggling with obstacles, or you’re just not where you want to be and are ready take your life and business to the next level, there are a few ways I can help you.
1. FREE Linkedin Masterclass (HERE)
2. Heart of Wealth Mastermind Group (HERE)
3. Life Mastery School by Dennis Berry (HERE)
4. Solopreneur Operating System Digital Course (HERE)
5. Work with me one on one to build/scale your business (HERE)
I have been a Life Mastery and Business Development Coach for 18 years and sober since April 8 2003 and became a successful business man, family man and athlete.
If you’d like to learn more, please reach out.
Have a beautiful day!🧡